Friday, November 12, 2010

Bill Schofield to deliver Hargrave Lecture

This year’s annual Hargrave Lecture is to be delivered to the Melbourne Branch of the Royal Aeronautical Society (Australian Division) by Dr Bill Schofield AM, one of aadiDefence’s Principals.

The lecture

The subject of the lecture will be David Warren, the Scientist, the Black Box Saga and the lessons learnt.

The impact of David Warren’s invention of the black box flight recorder has been immense -  in a world where the volume of air travel continually increases yet the number of air accidents has gone down over the years because we can find out what causes aircraft to crash, David’s invention must have saved tens of thousands of lives. Not many scientists can say that about their work.

And yet he faced overwhelming opposition and indifference to the  introduction of his black box. Recognition of him and his  inventiveness came very late in life after he had finished regular employment and to this day there are many in Australia, let alone the world, who do not know that the black box was invented a few miles from the Melbourne CBD by a combustion chemist.

Soon after graduation Bill Schofield worked for David as an assistant, later as a colleague and became his admirer and friend. He was an extraordinary and unconventional man who went on to work on fuel cells and the world’s future energy supply long before others saw these as important scientific topics.

This lecture will recount some anecdotes that illustrate David’s unusual  attitude to science, work and authority. It will also draw out some lessons from the Black Box story about the acceptance of disruptive technology.

The lecturer

Dr Bill Schofield is one of Australia’s leading scientists with a career spanning forty years in the Department of Defence and as a consultant on aeronautical and defence technology for  Australian Industry.

He was the Director of the Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory for six years where he was responsible for all science and technology for the Royal Australian Navy and the Royal Australian Air Force. Before this Dr Schofield held the positions of First Assistant Secretary Science Policy, Chief of Air Vehicles Division and Chief of Flight Mechanics & Propulsion Division in the Defence Science and Technology Organisation.

He was a co-author of the ‘Kinnaird’ report to cabinet into defence acquisition practices which now sets the guidelines for all Defence acquisitions. Between 1996 and 2006 he has served on a number of advisory panels for the Victorian Government. He has led reviews of Australian defence industry for both the Federal and Victorian governments and was appointed by federal cabinet to the Board of the Australian Submarine Corporation [2006-2009]. He is Chairman of the CRC for Advanced Composite Structures and the board of another four defence and aeronautical related companies.

His achievements have been recognized by his appointment as a Member of the Order of Australia “For service to the Australian Defence Force’s aviation capabilities as a research scientist and administrator, particularly through the Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory” and the award of a Centenary Medal for “outstanding contribution to science and technology particularly public science policy”. He is a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering and a Member of the Institute of Company Directors.

Venue and timing

The lecture will be delivered at a dinner at the Crown Entertainment Complex at 6.00 for 6.30 pm on Monday 6 December 2010. Registrations close on Friday 26 November 2010.

Further details and details of how to register may be found on the RAeS Melbourne Branch’s website here.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Richard Hodge joins AADI Defence team

Dr Richard Hodge has become an Associate of AADI Defence Pty Ltd.

Some highlights of Dr Hodge’s career are:

Director CAE Professional Services (2007-10)
Developed the future ‘Battlespace Architecture’ for Defence to instantiate a framework for interoperability across the Services and with its coalition partners, demonstrating how the architecture uses simulation to evaluate capability development options for improved network-enabled outcomes from Defence’s 10-year, $60B capital program.

Senior Associate, Booz and Company (Australia), Canberra (2001-07)
Founding member of the management team, establishing global strategy and technology business in the Defence and national security sector - the first time for such an office outside of the US.

Opened new line of business in strategic security and critical infrastructure protection by building new networks at the executive and political levels in Federal and selected State governments and with industry leaders. 

Scientific Adviser, Strategic Policy and Planning, Department of Defence (1998-2001)
Adviser to the Head Strategic Policy & Planning on applying scientific principles to improve traceability in the planning process and in the auditability of Defence strategic and capability decision making.  Devising a research program, building multidisciplinary teams and leading the execution of R&D to reframe and then implement a new strategy process in concert with senior executives across the Defence Strategy Group.

Senior Analyst, Science Adviser Branch (1995-98)
Coordinated programs across the three Services to guide human systems and information systems research into Defence’s complex policy, command and intelligence functions, where systems interoperability for joint operations is paramount.

Dr Hodge has a Doctorate of Philosophy in Systems Engineering from the Australian National University (Joint Services Staff College).

Land Warfare Conference 2010

This year’s Land Warfare Conference Full Spectrum Threats, Adaptive Responses will be held at Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from 15-19 November 2010 (for details see conference webpage here).

Two of AADI Defence’s Principals will be in attendance throughout the Conference – Dr Bill Schofield and MajGen Jim Molan, so if you have something you think we can help you with, please look out for them.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Introducing AADI Defence Pty Ltd

AADI Defence Pty Ltd is a company established in the middle of 2010 assist technology-oriented companies to market their goods and services effectively to defence end users and to defence industry.

Our key areas of expertise are:

-  Concepts of military operations
-  Current Australian defence acquisition policy and practice
-  Role of the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) in technical assessments of defence acquisitions and sustainment bids
-  Current defence industry policy and practice.

We also seek to identify applications for Australian defence technologies in non-defence industry.

Through our principals and our network of associates we have a wealth of experience upon which to draw, in defence policy, defence science and technology, military operations and military acquisition, sustainment and logistics.

Our principals and some of their career highlights are:

Dr Bill Schofield AM
Director, Australian Submarine Corporation
Director, Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory, DSTO
First Assistant Secretary, Science Policy, Department of Defence

MajGen Jim Molan, AO, DSC
Commander, Deployable Joint Force Headquarters and 1st Division
Commander Australian Defence Colleges
Chief of Staff, Multinational Force – Iraq
Paul Barratt AO
Secretary, Department of Defence
Secretary, Commonwealth Department of Primary Industries and Energy
Executive Director, Business Council of Australia

Dr Daniel Ho
Materials     Engineer, ExxonMobil Australia
Engineering Consultant, Monash University
Engineer, Ford Motor Company Australia

Our associates and some of their career highlights are:

Dr Roger Lough AM
Chief Defence Scientist, Department of Defence
Director, Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory
First Assistant Secretary, Science Policy, Department of Defence

Mr Colin Sharp AM CSC
Head Land Systems Division, Defence Materiel Organisation
Principal Consultant, Capability Matters
Director General Future Land Warfare, ADF

AVM John Blackburn AO
Deputy Chief of the Royal Australian Air Force
Commander HQ Integrated Air Defence System
Head Strategic Policy, Department of Defence

AIR CDRE Noel Schmidt AM CSC
Director General, Technical Airworthiness, ADF
Officer Commanding 501 Wing, RAAF Base Amberley
Director Technical Airworthiness, RAAF

Vice Admiral David Shackleton AO
Chief of Navy
Head Capability Development
Director General Command and Control Support Systems

Mr Ross Milton
Acting Chief Executive Officer, ASC
Deputy Chief Executive Officer, ASC
Business Development Manager, ASC

Mr Rod Locket
Managing Director, AeroStructures Technologies Pty Ltd
Managing Director, Advanced Technology Training Pty Ltd
General Manager, Melbourne Jet Base Pty Ltd

Mr Peter Sharp
Head Personnel Policy, Department of Defence
Author “Defence Strategic Workforce Planning Review”
Group Head Defence Corporate Support Services

Dr David Wyllie
Director General Science Policy, DSTO
Chief Air Vehicles Division, DSTO
Chief Maritime Platforms Division, DSTO

Mr Colin Martin FRAeS
Chief Air Operations Division, DSTO
Head DSTO Program Office, Melbourne
Research Leader Structural Integrity, Airframes and Engines Division, DSTO

Mr Bill Dickson
Chief Weapons Systems Division, DSTO
Research Leader Air Weapons Systems, DSTO

Dr David Heilbron
Chief Maritime Operations Division
Chief Electronic Warfare Division
Research Leader, Microwave Radar

Dr Don Sinnott
Chief of a number of DSTO Research Divisions in sensing and IT disciplines
First Assistant Secretary, Science Policy, Department of Defence
CEO, Cooperative Research Centre for Sensor Signalling and Information Processing

Mr Peter Croser
Managing Director, Gibbs & Cox Australia
Deputy Director and Project Management Delegate AEW&C Project, BAE Systems Australia
Head Industry Division, Defence Materiel Organisation

Mrs Samantha Croser
Ground Support Segments Integration Manager, BAE Systems Australia
Battlemap Redevelopment Project Manager ESRI Australia
Senior Software Engineer, ADI Limited

Mr Paul Kristensen
Executive Chairman, Capital Technologies Pty Ltd
Chairman, DDD Group Plc (Listed on the London Stock Exchange); including most of its subsidiaries in North America and Australia
Chairman, Lumitex Limited

Dr Ravidprasad Krishnamurthy 
Expert in applied research in nanotechnology, metallurgy and materials
Director of nDure Technolgies Pty Ltd
Program Manager, Nanomanufacturing, Nanotechnology Victoria Limited (Nanovic)

Ms Pauline Mau
Manager, International Business Relations, Australia Post
Deputy Director, NSW State Office, Commonwealth Department of Industry, Science and Tourism
Executive Officer, Australian Manufacturing Council

Other associates are in the process of joining us and their accession will be posted as they come on board.

Please visit our company’s website at