Thursday, November 11, 2010

Richard Hodge joins AADI Defence team

Dr Richard Hodge has become an Associate of AADI Defence Pty Ltd.

Some highlights of Dr Hodge’s career are:

Director CAE Professional Services (2007-10)
Developed the future ‘Battlespace Architecture’ for Defence to instantiate a framework for interoperability across the Services and with its coalition partners, demonstrating how the architecture uses simulation to evaluate capability development options for improved network-enabled outcomes from Defence’s 10-year, $60B capital program.

Senior Associate, Booz and Company (Australia), Canberra (2001-07)
Founding member of the management team, establishing global strategy and technology business in the Defence and national security sector - the first time for such an office outside of the US.

Opened new line of business in strategic security and critical infrastructure protection by building new networks at the executive and political levels in Federal and selected State governments and with industry leaders. 

Scientific Adviser, Strategic Policy and Planning, Department of Defence (1998-2001)
Adviser to the Head Strategic Policy & Planning on applying scientific principles to improve traceability in the planning process and in the auditability of Defence strategic and capability decision making.  Devising a research program, building multidisciplinary teams and leading the execution of R&D to reframe and then implement a new strategy process in concert with senior executives across the Defence Strategy Group.

Senior Analyst, Science Adviser Branch (1995-98)
Coordinated programs across the three Services to guide human systems and information systems research into Defence’s complex policy, command and intelligence functions, where systems interoperability for joint operations is paramount.

Dr Hodge has a Doctorate of Philosophy in Systems Engineering from the Australian National University (Joint Services Staff College).

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